Chapter 1 is NOW AVAILABLE!

when Desperate Measures are all you have left Seeing is Not Believing Chapter 1 Have you ever had one of those moments… when you were absolutely certain you saw someone just beyond the edge of your vision, but you knew it was absolutely impossible – because no one else was there… Five years ago, a … More Chapter 1 is NOW AVAILABLE!

Why authors should take full advantage of Little Free Libraries!

Hopefully, if you’re a reader, you already know what a Little Free Library is. If not, you should definitely check out their WEBSITE and learn more. As an author of science fiction/fantasy, I particularly enjoy the library pictured and others like it. You would not believe how creative some librarians get… like the IRL librarian who … More Why authors should take full advantage of Little Free Libraries!

A Pep Talk from Francesca Lia Block for NaNoWriMo

For those of you who have been participating in NaNoWriMo this year, you’ve already seen this. It’s one of the weekly pep talks that appeared in your inbox automatically. For everyone else, you are going to want to read this. It contains some invaluable advice from an author who has seen both sides of the … More A Pep Talk from Francesca Lia Block for NaNoWriMo

Here’s my signs…

I saw an image on facebook earlier today and it really struck a chord with me. Now, I can’t actually find the post to share with you (though I scrolled forever trying), but thankfully I thought to save the image.   It’s something to think about isn’t it? All those little annoyances in our everyday … More Here’s my signs…